Tuesday, January 26, 2010

swirly mode on!

I went to Ice on Whyte on sunday - omg it was so fun!! It was nice to see Cody again, havent seen much of him the last little while.. His girlfriend is BEAUTIFUL!! Im so happy for him! And he is clean and sober now too ever since meeting her, thats so great!! :D :D

Then I went down on the ice slide, it was like bob-sledding only with a krazy karpet!!! lol!!

Speaking of sledding....... I have brusies all over my body from Friday night lmao!! Oh man, my thighs look like they were peppered with many tiny angry fists of furry!!! Its pretty funny actually.

Hmm other then that.. There isnt much to talk about! I took Mandee and Kevin to Cora's yesterday for breakfast, it was fun cause neither of them had been there before so they got to try some new food, and they both really liked it! I love it when people like the food there lol! I myself did not enjoy it..... I had a raspberry for lucie, and decided to omit the cream cheese like I said in my last post.. only..... I was talked into substituting chocolate instead..... oh god. was way too sweet!!! I only ate a a quarter of it then gave up cause I thought it was gross. Should have gotten a panini!!!!!! lol <3 ~~

After lunch (which we were joined by Stephie for) the 3 of us went to see Avatar in Imax 3D.. It was good! I didnt think I would enjoy it to be honest - there has been so much hype over it, and Kirk saw it the day we broke up so I was holding all that against it.. but I really did like it! And it totally is just like Fern Gully lmao <3 ~

Anyways!! Time to get my cute booty out to the gym as I missed it yesterday.. Thanks for reading and keep coming back!!



  1. HAHA I HEARD THAT COMMENT 3 TIMES! it was just like Fern Guly.....i've never watched fern gully so i was going. WTH IS FERN GULLY? a plant??

  2. are you talking about that big tree?? i can see that being a fern gully.

  3. You've never seen Furn Gully??? Omg!! Can I come over after work tomorrow with it? I'm off at 130. You NEED to see it!!!!!

  4. Omg Steph how can you have not seen Ferngully?! Crazy girl. See, Missy, I TOLD you it was like that! haha
