Thursday, January 21, 2010


So Ive been really far behind on this.. I have a few different things I want to share today!!

4~ HAVE A CRUSH ON CURTIS (who?? lol)

Ok.. so lets start with..... NUMBER 5 (just to confuse you :P)

I am becoming obsessed with going to the gym, I want to be there all the time so I can loose weight, get a smaller waist line, and be a more fitter person; able to do cardio and weights and everything without grasping for air. I refuse to look like how I did in the summer - I just recently saw new photos from back then and was blown away at how fat I looked with just an extra 10 - 15 lbs on my body!! my God!!!!! WHY DIDNT ANYONE TELL ME?!? Ah well, I am at 162 lbs right now - yes I did just publically post my weight MY REAL WEIGHT - and the plan is to be down to 150 lbs within the next 2 months, then set another goal to 130 lbs!! I give it 2 months cause I dont want to suddenly loose all this weight and then gain it back just cause its from something like cutting out fastfood or something - what if I decide I want a burger or fries or something one day? Or a crepe....... Damn work lol. Amber is a great motivator for me (: Thank you lady!!!! <3 ~

Now ....... lets skip to.... Number 7!

I drove past Vic today......... check out this photo :S WTH RIGHT?? They RIPPED it apart!!!!!!!! :O :O

Number 3:
Today I got to work with Stephie; I think I may have scared her with my many weird noises to kill time lmao. Then the random Christmas Charol humming........ lol. Had a Raspberry 4 Lucie today.. Talk about death by bitter sweetness!!! Im not a huge fan of the cream cheese filling, I think if I get it again I'll ask for either none or WAY less.. lol

Number 6: I am going to go visit my cousin Jax (Jackie) in Cowtown (Calgary) in Feb for a bit, I'm so excited!!! Already took the time off of work lol. I'll be staying at her place, going to have a dinner with my Aunts and Uncles and Grandma, annnnnnnnnnnd going snowshoeing (or cross country skiing) in Canmore!! Woop woop!!!!

Number 2: As we all know, Kristy has been gone most of the last 2 months, so I was really excited to get to see her on Monday!!

We went for Dim Sum at Good Buddies and did our Christmas Gift Exchange :D then to Cora's to see Stephie Chan.. Who was not happy to be at work with Deb!!! Its okay girlie <3 I love you!!! Keep smiling ~ IN YOUR HEART <~ thats where it matters the most!

Then we were off to Ikea..

then we went for a "mini roadtrip".... Lol we accidently took the first exit on 14 from Whitemud instead of the 2nd :P ended up heading towards Camrose!!!

Hahah it was too funny! Finally we got turned around but.... TOOK THE WRONG EXIT AGAIN!!! LOL!!!!! We took the first exit on Henday, so ended up going West - RIGHT BACK TO IKEA!!!! hahahahahaahah!! I was laughing so hard I was nearly crying lol.

and then she drove me home to grab my gym bag and dropped me off at the gym - which is in the same mall as Dim Sum so my car was still there from noon :D :D
On the way there we saw the coolest car!!!

ITS BUMBLEBEE!!!!! omg!!! lol

Number 4: Curtis. Well.... He sure is a cutie lol.

I havent actually met him so who knows if he would be as great in person or not, OR if he would still be interested in me after meeting me - the later being more important to me.. I still like Kevin too thou, but think Curtis would be a better fit...... from what I know about the 2 of them that is lol. Which isn't really a lot. I know that Kevin smokes - Curtis doesn't. But I also know I'm comfortable with Kevin..... Hmm. But I don't know! I will just play it day by day and see how it goes and where life takes me (:
(But we all know I'll still think too much over this lol)

Number 1: JASPER!!! Wow so much fun!!! Amber and Mandee and myself went to Jasper on Sunday to go snow shoeing, I even called a few days ahead to see if we needed to pre-order the snowshoes and boots or not and checked the weather.... But.. noone thought to check the past forcast!! It had rained 4 days in a row!!!!!!!! The snow had been washed away!! Lol!!!!!!!!! We still had a blast - went to Pyramid Lake as planned only we explored the Island instead of snow shoeing lol :P

more on this one in the next blog (;

~ M e l i s



    if you posted this via cell phone, i think you should post more often. cause it's awesome to read. (^.^)

  2. I so thought you knew that curtis dude!! at first lol he kinda reminds me of Justin!!!! that look lol

    Keep it going~~~~

  3. ya.....he kinda does look like justin now that you mention it. s'a good lookin' guy that's for sure. XD

  4. Well Justin is pretty cute himself lol
