Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Ok, I have so much homework to do and Ive already complained about it to everyone I know - so.. be warned..

1) History 261 Research Paper based on how WWI was instrumental to forging Canada into a soverign nation seperate from Great Britian.

2) History 366 Research Paper based on how women were fundanmental to the successful development of Western Canada in the homesteading project.

3) Anthropology 245 Research Paper discussing the Mediterranean concept of the Evil Eye. Have to compare 2 ethnographies: Women of the Praia by Sally Cole and another one I am supposed to pick.

3) Philosophy 125 Take Home Assignment thats about 80 some odd questions.

4) History 261 Article Readings, 4 papers to read for Wednesdays discussion class (worth grades)

5) History 366 Article Readings, 5 papers to read for Wednesdays discussion class (worth grades)

6) Anthropology 245 Article Readings, 10 papers to read for the end of term.

7) Write up the Bylaws for the Universities new Wildlife, Environment and Sustainability Student Chapter group my friend and I are starting up.

Oh and dont forget the final exams - April 13, 15, 18 and 20.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Japanese Crisis Photos

March 11th and 12th Photos: http://www.theatlantic.com/infocus/2011/03/earthquake-in-japan/100022/

March 13th and 14th Photos: http://www.theatlantic.com/infocus/2011/03/japans-earthquake---the-aftermath/100023/

note: some of these are very dramatic and disturbing, so be prepared for that if you look through them. If you havent already, text the word ASIA to 30333 to make a one time donation of $5 to the Canadian Red Cross Japanese Earthquake Relief Program.

lots of love,

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Won't Back Down

So things are going.

I have some exciting news for my summer - heard back from the City about the Historical Interpreter job!!! They want me to come in for an interview!! :D sooo excited!!!! Hope it goes well for me :)

I'm also putting my nose to the grindstone. 4 more weeks of school and I have sooo much left to do. I need to be up on time every day, doing my readings, completing the examples and my 3 papers! Then its focus focus focus on exams! Its crazy how fast this went by.. 1 more year to go before I make the big decision - high school or elementary?!

I talked to the UofA and it will take me 1.5 years to just do Education classes, or 2 years to do them plus a major. I need to verify what my options are since I have a History degree - do I have to major in social studies to be a Social Studies teacher..? Phys Ed is a 3.5 GPA to get into, and Fine Arts is 2.3. I'm aiming for Phys Ed with Art as a back up, but only if I can teach with my History degree, otherwise I'll have to do Social Studies!!!!

Course there has to be time for fun in there too, always good to go for drinks and dinners with my buddys :) <3

Anyways, love yas all!!!!

Monday, March 7, 2011

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

LOOK!! I got fishies on my blog!!! EEEE!! So cute lol

that is all... HAHAHAH!


Saturday, March 5, 2011

decisions decisions

Okay, so there's this boy. And he is awesome. And I really like him!! He is cute, funny, smart and caring. He doesn't like the over-sexulized world we live in (in other words no to strippers!!!!) and respects me. He actually goes out of his way to try to NOT be alone with me in private to avoid taking things too far too fast. Do you know how hard that is to find? Let's put it this way: I've been on over 30 first dates in the last few years before finding someone I could even visualize anything with, besides the exs that is. And I'd really like to see where this goes. Last night I was asked to hook up with a friend who was willing to come and pick me up and drop me off afterwards, but I said no for obvious reasons but also because I really like this guy and I wouldn't feel right being with someone else.

But he doesn't have any sense of time. I realize that's a small thing, so it shouldn't be a huge deal. HOWEVER it kinda is because we make plans and then he doesn't follow through with them whats so ever. Yesterday I ended up the 3rd wheel on what was supposed to be a double date, then spent my only night off waiting for a phone call from him cause we had moved our dinner plans to night plans and I ended up calling him later to see what was happening. Then plans were sketchly made to hangout this afternoon before my study-buddy thing at 6, so I texted him this morning when I woke up and no reply. Still! A little frustrating, to say the least.

Now here's the thing, this has only happened for this weekend right? Which also happens to be his birthday weekend AND he Jeep is in the shop. So honestly it's not a massively huge deal but it makes me wonder.... Will it happen often? He is a self-professed "free spirit" when it comes to timings and commitments to plans. Then there's me, working 36-48 hours a week, taking 4 University classes and all the homework and studying that goes along with it, AND I have my 6 dog sitting clients to take care of. Time-management has become a part of my life that I just cannot shake. My time IS important.

So should I be spending it waiting on some guy? Instantly I think "No!" but then I remember that we've only been seeing each other for 3 weeks and even then its only been on weekends because he works out of town so is gone during the week. Am I really able to make that type of decision at this point? Again I think "No". So far what I know about him makes him worth my time, to a degree!!! That's the important part!!

I'm all about spontaneity, but at this point in my life it just isn't an option for me... So could it work to be with someone who is strictly focused on living in the moment? Would it drive me crazy? I mean I totally let it ruin my weekend because I was annoyed and disappointed that I wasn't going to get to see him. I've decided that I am going to see him again, but that he needs to make the effort and not me because as of next weekend I am going to be busy until Easter. 5 weeks straight of dog sitting out of the house, plus my parents will be gone so I'll be driving back and forth every other night to their house to make sure the cats are OK. Not to mention the 3 papers, 3 midterms and 4 exams I have left to work on before April 8th.

So my plan is to have school my priority (only 4 weeks left plus exams - come on!) and he can come to me when he wants to see me right? I think that's a good way to live for the next little while at least. Once Easter comes around and my classes and exams are done I will be able to relax my time schedule a little bit, besides work and dog sitting right? RIGHT??? Someone agree with me here cause this is important to me and I don't want to mess up this chance with a great guy, but I also need to relax myself a little - but how?? Lol.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


HELLO MY ONE FOLLOWER!!!!!! *waves ethusuastically* Its been fooooorever!!!!!!
Wow I never thought to even use this thing. I really need to reconnect with the interweb world!
What's this - the masses are asking for an update on my life..?? How thoughtful of you all!!!

Hmm well I don't know!! I'm back in University and absolutely adore it! As stressful as it is, I've made some amazing new friends that make things pretty easy to get through - study and personal life wise - I think I'd go insane without my girls and boys! (Anthro study group all the way!!)

Work is still stationed in hospital and, oh my oh my, it can be a handful! I'm used to it now though, don't get too freaked out over things anymore. I remember my first shift. Over night. Psych ward. Suicide watch. And my patients neighbour was an insomniac who thought the Devil was out to rape her.
Goooood times!!! Hahah I almost quit after day one. But I'm glad I didn't!!! There's a few kickass girls from work too!

I've recently moved out of my little apartment in the city which definitely sucks on my gas consumption! But its much cheaper and will help me save up for 3 things: Costa Rica, Tuition and the paying off of my car. Eventually this stupid car will be paid off!!! Only a 22% left to go :D yaaay! Soo exciting hahaha! Once it's paid off I'll be able to save up and get some body work done on it that is DESPERATELY needed as I was in my first accident ever this year.

Yeah so that's pretty much my life right now. Work school work school work school work. When I'm lucky I can squeeze in coffee dates with my besties and some special time here and there for someone else <3

Until next time!
Remember to smile everyday

♥ ♥ ♥